A vibra e-book?This is a vibra e-book.
That might not ring a bell, right away. All ‘ books’ (printed, e-books, audio books) have the same purpose. They supply you with ‘ food for thought’ on various levels: from simple entertainment to highly relevant information. They differ in the carrier used for conveying the content. Through different senses, the content reaches your mind to be interpreted and processed there. Splashes of ink patterns (words) come to you visually. Most of us can’t directly hear the ink speak, although conversations coming to us through this channel can lead to hearing a voice in our mind. You find written words everywhere, some become published in books. You can also create ink splashing messages yourself. Electric patterns (sound) come to you when you hear them. Most of us can’t directly see sounds, although conversational sounds and music coming to us through this channel can lead to a mental picture of it in our mind. You find sound everywhere, some sounds become recordings and published as books/music files. You can also create sound waves yourself, using your vocal cords or various other body parts. ( It is even very difficult to not make sounds!!) Vibrating energy patterns (vibes) come to you by sensing them. Most of us can’t directly see or hear these vibes, although energetically conveyed messages coming to us through this channel can get a mental picture and/or a voice in our mind. You find energy vibrations everywhere, some become recorded and published as vibrational essences. You can also create energy vibrations yourself, using your core-being. (It is very close to impossible, to not make these energy patterns, since all your thoughts and feelings are made of them). Within the world of ‘food for thought’, a special category is instruction material. Somebody with a desire to learn something and turns to a book, a workshop or even a full course to make the learning process a little bit easier. Surfing on the waves of somebody else’s experiences is easier and less time consuming than figuring it all out by yourself from first principle. This vibra e-book contains instruction material. It is a method on dealing effectively and in a healthy way with all human emotions, with a special focus on the less appealing, less palatable, less desirable emotions in the possible range of being a human. A cook book on how to use the wobbly and chewy matter of animals, or on the less well known and not commonly appreciated vegetables would help to broaden your culinary horizon. Being able to process these ingredients happily and confidently from scratch would be beneficial to your health ( adding variety of nutrients) and saves you money in its slipstream too ( these ingredients are cheaper). This vibra e-book deals in the same way with the wobbly and chewy energy of your being human, the less well known and not commonly appreciated emotions. It has the very same benefits: it broadens your horizon, saves you your health and a lot of money. By becoming more resourceful, being able to happily and confidently deal wisely with any emotion that comes to pass in your ‘ kitchen’. |